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An Inside of Our School

In Dr. Montessori research,  She emphasized the benefits of educating students of varying ages together. Children of aged 2.5-6 work side by side in a primary location. Although adults tailor their efforts to meet the needs of each child, children who are all in a safe and stimulating setting can teach and learn from one another. Experiencing the world around him is crucial to the child’s growth and development, as are good guidance and an awareness of his environment.

Our Mission.

To create a generation of children who are responsible for themselves and the society. The Lavender International Farm School, Montessori education for an enchanted childhood.

Our promise to families.

At Lavender International Farm School, we know childhood is a treasured time. We believe it is our responsibility to provide environments and experiences that capture the joys of childhood, nurture each child’s individual growth and development, and pave the way for success in school and life.


Montessori House is dedicated to providing you and your child with a genuine Montessori environment and follows the procedures outlined below.

  • We’ve designed a space where kids may learn at their speed based on what they’re good at and interested in. Students will engage in independent, collaborative, and collaborative group work.
  • We make a special effort to meet the child’s developmental needs by creating a setting that is beautiful, graceful, purposeful, diverse, well-organized, and easy to navigate.
  • The intellect uses the hand as an instrument, as stated by Maria Montessori. Children can better grasp complex concepts because of the concrete learning materials available in our environment.
  • Students develop into proactive, autonomous, and self-motivated people when they can choose their work and move freely across the surroundings. Students are given a lot of independence, but they also have responsibilities within the community.
Alternative Education Method

1. Exercises of Practical Life (EPL)

Care of the Self, Care of the Environment, Grace and Courtesy, and Control of Movement are the four broad domains into which the activities of Practical Life can be broken down. Practical activities helps the children to fulfil their inner needs. It helps the children to improve their Fine Motor Skills, Gross Motor Skills, Kinetic Skills, Sense of Judgement, Coordination, focus, independence, and a feeling of the order are all fostered through participation in Practical Life activities.

2. Sensorial

Children’s preparation for later Montessori activities and their overall development is aided by using Montessori items designed to stimulate the five senses. All five senses (Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Gustatory, and Olfactory) are nurtured through Montessori’s Sensorial exercises. Through participation in Montessori Sensorial activities, children can visually discriminate between objects of different sizes and establish a hierarchy among them.

3. Language

Our environment is enriched with rich vocabulary. The library in our environment is easily accessible to all the children in the environment. All the children are exposed to 3 languages.

4. Cultural Extensions

Cultural studies in environment encompasses a variety of subjects that are supplementary. It includes Botany, Zoology, Geography and Art & Music. We have intelligence to control our env which enable us to interact groups in a group and not one as a human being. Exploring these subjects provide children an opportunity to explore their curiosity of different worldly ideas. It gives children initial exposure to the many areas of knowledge that they will encounter throughout the life, enabling them to develop an early interest in learning about the World, Science & Nature, History & Culture, and Art & Music.

5. Mathematics

One of the most important things we can do to aid children is to assist them in developing their mathematics and spatial abilities. Young children become aware of their physical surroundings as they become familiar with basic geometric and spatial concepts. From concrete to abstract, Montessori math provides a beautiful method of working with objects. The images of numerical order, spatial relations, and the “real world” application of numbers are all introduced to young minds.

Children who have been taught mathematics using the Montessori method will have a deeper conceptual understanding of numbers and their physical representations when they progress to utilizing pencil and paper. The young mind has made a connection between the concrete and the ethereal.

Through learning about the world around them, children gain a sense of belonging to the human race and a sense that the cosmic plan has been laid out for them and that they have a part to play in it.

Outdoor Environment

Maria Montessori believed that a classroom should extend into the surrounding environment wherever possible. Children can expand on the knowledge they have gained in school by having sensory experiences in nature and by having regular touch with the changing seasons and the natural world when they are in our outdoor habitats.          

Exploring an outside environment serves not only to motivate children to engage in physical activity but also to provide them with a break from being cooped up indoors. Your outdoor learning environment should be similar to an indoor learning environment in that it should be safe, well-organized, and contain planned activities and free time to explore and learn on their own.

Infrastructure and Services

Infrastructure is an essential component of a student’s learning experience. We provide the best infrastructure to create a comfortable learning environment to implement our vision. We are upgrading our campuses’ infrastructure and introducing new and cutting-edge technologies to offer students the best facilities (labs, libraries, lobbies, and sports facilities) while maintaining their academic and co-curricular performance.


“Imitation is the tool given by nature to children to help them adapt to the particular place where they were born and that enables them to adapt to the customs of their specific environment”. – Maria Montessori.


we meet kids where they are.


Your baby will give you the most important information for the experience.


During this time, his physical growth and motor development will slow.


Your child is advancing from infancy toward and into the preschool years.


Your child should feel confident in her ability to meet the complex challenges.